The platform for pharmacy services
Our software solutions support pharmacists to offer preventive and pharmaceutical services in a personalized and efficient way.
Trusted by +75 pharmacies
Involve your patients in their care
Technology for an effortless care experience
The Salvus Health platform combines self-measurements of vital health parameters, interactive questionnaires, personalised messages, a booking system, and smart algorithms to make personalized pharmacy services scalable.
Our guiding principles
Patient empowerment
Our commitment to have a positive impact on people's life is at the core of everything we do. We want to make preventive care more accessible and understandable.
Solutions, not features
Introducing new services in the pharmacy requires more than just digital tools. That is why we create end-to-end solutions and support our customers with their implementation.
Connected ecosystem
The future of our platform lies in its integration into the wider ecosystem, leveraging the unique qualities of the pharmacy in an integrated care approach.
Here's what experts say
“By being close to its clients, Salvus Health has an excellent understanding of the needs of the pharmacy.”
“Salvus Health is the future of healthcare.”
“I'm convinced that Salvus Health is an asset for my pharmacy.”